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خانه » سوالات EPT تشریحی » 1000 سوال آزمون ای پی تی با پاسخ تشریحی – بخش 19
نمونه سوالات آزمون ept دانشگاه آزاد رایگان

1000 سوال آزمون ای پی تی با پاسخ تشریحی – بخش 19

فست زبان: در ادامه مجموعه مطالب 1000 سوال ای پی تی با پاسخ تشریحی، بخش 19م که شامل سوالاتی از بخش گرامر این آزمون می باشد را تقدیم شما داوطلبان می کنیم. 

توصیه مهم: باتوجه به عدم انتشار سوالات آزمون های زبان دکتری مختلف ( اعم از EPT و MSRT و MHLE و…) توصیه می شود حتما سوالات این مجموعه را با دقت کار کنید و برای مرور و تثبیت مطالب از آن استفاده کنید.

لیست بخش های دیگر مجموعه آموزشی 1000 سوال ای پی تی با پاسخ تشریحی

بخش 19: سوالات گرامر تشخیص خطا

Section Two: Structure Part Two
In each of the following sets of sentences, three sentences are grammatically correct and one sentence is not grammatical. Identify the incorrect sentence and mark your answer sheet.

1) Ornithology, the study of birds, is one of the major scientific fields in which amateurs play a role in accumulating, researching, and publish data.
2) On December 7, 1787, Delaware became the first state to ratify the constitution.
3) Nylon, a synthetic made from a combination of water, air, and a by-product of coal, was first introduced in 1938.
4) Nutritionists believe that diet affects how one feels physically and emotionally.

1) The works of the author Herman Melville are literary creations of high order, blending fact, fiction, adventure, and subtle symbols.
2) A seismograph records oscillation of the ground caused by seismic waves, vibrations that travel from their point of origin through the earth or along its surface.
3) Dinosaurs are traditionally classified as cold-blooded reptiles, but recent evidence based on eating habits, posture, and skeletal structural suggests some may have been warm-blooded.
4) Located in Canada, the Columbia Icefield covers areas of 120 square miles and is 3300 feet thick in some places.

1) Composer Richard Rodgers and lyricist Oscar Hammerstein II brought to the musical Oklahoma! extensive musical and theatrical backgrounds as well as familiarity with the traditional forms of operetta and musical comedy.
2) Because of its vast tracts of virtually uninhabited northern forest, Canada has one of the lowest population density in the world.
3) Rice, which still forms the staple diet of much of the world’s population, grows best in hot, wet lands.
4) Government money appropriated for art in the 1930s made possible hundreds of murals and statues still admirable in small towns all over the United States.

1) One of the problems of the United States agriculture that has persisted during the 1920s until the present day is the tendency of farm income to lag behind the costs of production.
2) Volcanism occurs on earth in several geological settings, most of which are associated with the boundaries of the enormous, rigid plates that make up the lithosphere.
3) Some insects bear a remarkable resemblance to dead twigs, being long, slender, wingless, and brownish in color.
4) A food additive is any chemical that food manufacturers intentional add to their products.

1) Asteroids may be fragments of a planet shattered long ago or from the nuclei of old comets.
2) The first native Americans who occupied what is now the southwestern United States were the Big-Game Hunters, who appeared about 10000 B.C.
3) Some hangars, buildings used to hold large aircraft, are very tall that rain occasionally falls from clouds that form along the ceilings.
4) Most sand dunes are always in motion as wind pushes sand upwards one side of each dune, over the top, and down the other side.

1) Today, modern textile mills can manufacture fabrics in a few seconds as it once took workers weeks to produce by hand.
2) The Hopi, the westernmost tribe of Pueblo Indians, have traditionally built large multilevel structures clustered in towns.
3) Exploration of the Solar System is continuing, and at the present rate of progress all the planets will have been contacted within the 50 years.
4) Since their appearance on farms in the United States between 1913 and 1920, trucks have changed patterns of production and markets of farm products.

1) Antique collecting became a significant pastime in the 1800s when old objects began to be appreciated for their beauty as well as their historical importance.
2) American painter Georgia O’Keefe is well known for her large paintings of flowers in which single blossoms are presented as if in close-up.
3) Despite television is the dominant entertainment medium for the United States households, Garrison Keillor’s Saturday night radio show of folk songs and stories is heard by millions of people.
4) The work for which the poet Emma Lazarus is best known “The New Colossus,” is inscribed on the pedestal of the statue of liberty.

1) As much as 50 percent of the income from motion picture produced in the United States comes from marketing and films abroad.
2) Although research has been ongoing since 1930, the existence of ESP-perception and communication without the use of sight, hearing, taste, touch, or smell-is still disputed.
3) Sleep is controlled by the brain and is associated by characteristic breathing rhythm.
4) The walls around the city of Quebec which was originally a military fort, still stand, making Quebec the only walled city in North America.

1) The black leopard is so black that its spots are difficult to see.
2) On steep hillside, tree roots bind to soil that might otherwise be washed away by heavy rains.
3) Carson McCutter was only 23 when she published her first novel, the Heart is a Lonely Hunter, for which she received much claim.
4) Through the process of imprinting, the young of a species rapidly learn to recognize and follow other members of his own species.

1) The invention of fresh metaphor today continues to make possible the vivid expression of emotion.
2) Although most species of small birds gather in groups at feeders provided by birdwatchers, the bright red cardinal usually appears alone or with its mate.
3) Astronomy is the oldest science, but it continues to be at the forefront of scientific thought.
4) Proteins are made up of long, folded irregularly chains, the links of which are amino acid.

پاسخ تشریحی سوالات

296. گزینۀ ۱  در گزینۀ ١، با الگوی همسانی در لیست‌ ها مواجه هستیم. بعد از حروف اضافه (اینجا in) بایستی از اسم مصدر استفاده شود. accumulating و researching اسم مصدر و صحیح هستند؛ ولی publish شکل سادۀ فعل و ناهمسان است و بایستی به publishing تبدیل شود (بخش‌ ٧ کتاب فست گرامر).

297. گزینۀ ۳  در گزینۀ ٣، بعد از صفت skeletal به یک اسم نیاز داریم. در نتیجه، بجای صفت structural به اسم structure نیاز داریم (بخش‌های ٨ و ١۴).

298. گزینۀ ۲  بعد از one of the بایستی از صفت عالی و اسم قابل‌ شمارش جمع [و فعل مفرد] استفاده شود. بنابراین، در گزینه ٢، بجای اسم مفرد population بایستی از اسم جمع populations استفاده شود (بخش‌های ١ و ٨).

299. گزینۀ ۴  برای توصیف افعال غیرربطی بایستی از قید استفاده شود. در نتیجه، در گزینۀ ۴، برای توصیف فعل غیرربطی add، بایستی بجای صفت intentional، از قید intentionally استفاده شود (بخـش ٨).

300. گزینۀ ۳  بعد از قید very از جمله‌ وارۀ that استفاده نمی ‌شود. بنابراین، در گزینۀ ٣ بجای very tall that بایستی از so tall that استفاده شود. (بخش ١۵).

توجه: شکل مفرد و جمع aircraft «هواپیما» یکسان است.

301. گزینۀ ۱  در گزینۀ ١، بجای ربط‌دهندۀ as بایستی از ربط‌دهنده‌های قیدی بیان مغایرت while یا whereas «در حالیکه» استفاده شود (بخش ۴، درس ٢).

302. گزینۀ ۳  بعد از despite و in spite of نمی ‌توان از جمله‌ واره استفاده کرد. در نتیجه، در گزینۀ ٣، استفاده از despite قبل از جمله ‌واره نادرست است و بجای آن بایستی از although استفاده کرد (بخش ۴، درس ٢).

303. گزینۀ ۳   بعد از فعل associate «مربوط شدن؛ به هم پیوستن» بایستی از حرف اضافۀ with استفاده شود (بخش ١٣).

304. گزینۀ ۴  الگوی [صفت + the] برای اشاره به گروهی یا طبقۀ خاصی از افراد بکار می‌ رود. در گزینۀ ۴، the young «جوانان» به دسته خاصی از یک گونۀ جانوری اشاره می ‌کند. در نتیجه، بجای his بایستی از صفت ملکی جمع their استفاده شود (بخش ٢).

305. گزینۀ ۴  قیدها قبل از صفت ‌ها قرار می ‌گیرند. در نتیجه، در گزینۀ ۴، قید irregularly بایستی قبل از صفت folded قرار گیرد (بخش ٨).


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