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خانه » سوالات EPT تشریحی » سوالات آزمون EPT مرداد 96 + پاسخ تشریحی رایگان
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سوالات آزمون EPT با جواب

سوالات آزمون EPT مرداد 96 + پاسخ تشریحی رایگان

فست زبان: در این مطلب از سایت مرجع آزمون ای پی تی ایران سوالات آزمون EPT مرداد 96 را با پاسخ تشریحی و تحلیل رایگان برای شما آماده کردیم.

تست: آزمون EPT مرداد ۹۶ + پاسخ تشریحی کاملا رایگان

Section One: Vocabulary
Read each statement below carefully and fill in the blank(s) with the best answer (1, 2, 3, 4).
1. The art department is ………… the outstanding posters produced in its classes.
1) repressing

2) attending
3) exhibiting
4) forecasting
2. After driving a bus for 40 years without an accident, the driver received an award for ………… service.
1) lunatic

2) fertile
3) impeccable
4) uneventful
3. When the actors on the stage could not be heard by the director, who was sitting in the balcony of the theater, they were ………… to speak louder.
1) circulated

2) exhorted
3) lamented
4) procrastinated
4. Although Cora had a great memory, she was ………… about the details of our meeting.
1) hazy

2) massive
3) solitary
4) failed
5. The supermarket’s owner planned to ………… the grand opening until Saturday.
1) denote

2) perceive
3) postpone
4) resent

Section Two: Structure Part Two
Read the following sentences. In each sentence, choose the number of the underlined word or group of words that is NOT correct.

26. Much of the damage(1) that can be done by disrupting(2) the biological clock have(3) been seen in nightshift workers(4).

27. Writing appears to develop(1) independently at different times(2) in several parts(3) of the world, among them(4) Mexico and Central America.

28. A totally new development(1) in writing appeared(2) in the Middle East about 3700 years ago, which(3) Egyptian hieroglyphs were well established(4).

29. In the course of the first few years(1) of their lives, children are brought up(2) in English speaking homes(3), successfully master(4) the use of hundreds of words.

30. In one study last year(1), Harvard Medical School Researcher Ted Kaptchuk devised a clever strategy by testing(2) his volunteers’ response(3) to variable levels(4) of therapeutic ritual.

Section Three: Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read the passages and choose the one best answer, (1), (2), (3) or (4), for each question.

Passage 1
     The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon. People of different cultures are more prone to contract certain illnesses because of the characteristic foods they consume.
     That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, government researchers realized that nitrates and nitrites (commonly used to preserve color in meats) as well as other food additives caused cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which ingredients on the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful.
     The additives that we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to cattle and poultry, and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows. Sometimes similar drugs are administered to animals not for medicinal purposes, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue.
     A healthy diet is directly related to good health. Often we are unaware of detrimental substances we ingest. Sometimes well-meaning farmers or others who do not realize the consequences add these substances to food without our knowledge.
66. According to the passage, researchers ………… .
1) are definitely sure that diet has a direct role in all human illnesses

2) certainly know that forty percent of all illnesses is because of diet
3) think that only cancer of colon is caused by diet
4) believe that probably eighty percent of all illnesses is due to diet

67. It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that …………

1) the packaging labels can be both harmless and harmful
2) only additives that are used to preserve color are harmful
3) ingredients of processed foods can be both harmless and harmful
4) it is difficult for researchers to announce which additives are harmful

68. In line 20 “the practices” refer to ………… .
1) indirect use of additives

2) controlling procedures
3) Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
4) medicinal purposes

69. The word “detrimental” in line 20 is closest in meaning to ………… .
1) nutritious

2) beneficial
3) unfavorable
4) additives

70. The last sentence of the passage implies that sometimes farmers add harmful substances to food ………… .
1) purposefully

2) with no bad intentions
3) to earn more money
4) to help us understand their consequences

پاسخ تشریحی آزمون EPT مرداد ۹۶

۱. پاسخ گزینۀ ۳ است.
 «ادارۀ هنر در حال نمایش پوسترهای برجستۀ تولید شده در کلاس‌ های خود است.»
1) سرکوب کردن؛ خودداری کردن
2) حضور داشتن، همراهی کردن
3) به ‌نمایش گذاشتن؛ نشان دادن، عرضه کردن
4) پیش‌ بینی کردن

۲. پاسخ گزینۀ ۳ است.
«بعد از ۴۰ سال رانندگی بدون تصادف اتوبوس، راننده جایزۀ خدمت بی‌ عیب‌ و نقص را دریافت کرد.»
1) دیوانه‌ وار، جنون‌ آمیز
3) بی‌ عیب‌ و نقص؛ معصوم
2) بارور، حاصلخیز؛ خلاق، آفریننده
4) عادی، یکنواخت؛ بی‌ رویداد

۳. پاسخ گزینۀ ۲ است.
«وقتیکه امکان شنیده شدن صدای بازیگران روی صحنه توسط کارگردان، که در بالکن تئاتر نشسته بود، وجود نداشت، آنها را مطلع کردند که بلندتر صحبت کنند.»
1) دور زدن؛ پراکنده شدن/ کردن
3) زاری کردن، گریه کردن؛ افسوس خوردن
2) آگاهاندن؛ تشویق و ترغیب کردن
4) تعلل کردن؛ طفره رفتن

۴. پاسخ گزینۀ ۱ است.
 «با وجود اینکه کورا حافظۀ فوق‌ العاده‌ ای داشت، از جزئیات قرار ملاقات مان [ذهنیت] مبهمی داشت.»
1) مبهم، نامشخص؛ [هوا] مه‌آلود
3) تنها، منفرد؛ منحصر به‌ فرد
2) عظیم، حجیم؛ گسترده
4) ناکام؛ ناتوان

۵. پاسخ گزینۀ ۳ است.
 «مالک سوپر مارکت قصد داشت که افتتاح بزرگ را تا روز شنبه به تعویق بیندازد.»
1) حاکی بودن، نشانگر بودن؛ معنی دقیق داشتن
3) به تعویق انداختن
2) درک کردن، پی بردن
4) رنجیدن، آزرده شدن؛ بد آمدن

٢۶. پاسخ گزینۀ ٣ است.
گزینۀ ١ صحیح است؛ زیرا قبل از اسم غیر قابل‌ شمارش damage به‌ درستی از کمیت‌ سنج much استفاده شده است (بخش ١ کتاب Fast Grammar). گزینۀ ٢ صحیح است؛ بعد از حرف اضافۀ by به‌ درستی از اسم مصدر disrupting استفاده شده است (بخش ۹، صفحۀ ٩٩ Fast Grammar). گزینۀ ۴ هم صحیح است؛ زیرا صفت nightshift به‌ درستی قبل از اسم workers بکار رفته است (بخش ٨). گزینۀ ٣ نادرست است؛ زیرا بعد از اسامی غیر قابل‌ شمارش (اینجا damage) بایستی از فعل (کمکی) مفرد استفاده شود. یعنی بجای فعل کمکی جمع have، بایستی از فعل کمکی مفرد has استفاده شود (بخش ۶ کتاب Fast Grammar).
ترجمۀ جمله: «میزان زیادی از آسیبی که از طریق اختلال در زمان زیست‌ شناختى [بدن] می‌ تواند بوجود آید، در کارگرهای نوبت شب دیده شده است.»

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